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Arthur Klisiewicz - The levels I have described are not an attempt at evaluation and the border between them is very fluid. Take them as a signpost, but you don't have to classify yourself (or someone else). This chart only shows that if you cannot accept something and you feel inner resistance, you are not ready for it yet.

Ewa Kapera - Arthur Klisiewicz I agree and that's how I treat it ????

Arthur Klisiewicz - Ewa Kapera haha, it was not directly to you - in general. Regards.

Ewa Kapera - Arthur Klisiewicz I know hihi, but I had a need to write to you ????

Arthur Klisiewicz - Ewa Kapera, of course, you did the right thing ... Sometimes we write something (not even knowing that we are writing to ourselves. " it does not serve us, or that it is indifferent to us. Sometimes when I write (when I reply, I observe my mind more often and I notice that I get caught up in an answer or a discussion that does not interest me at all, because it is pointless or too subjective). to myself: "next time I will try not to get involved ...". Not because some discussion does not make sense, but because I see more important topics "in front of my eyes". outside of ourselves.

Krzysztof Wojciechowski - You have to understand this classification well, there was a time when I studied the pendulum, where I am level, and so on and so on. Only later did I understand that it was an ego game again and I was ashamed :) It's all fingers pointing to the moon - do not focus on your fingers because we will miss the moon.

Arthur Klisiewicz - yes, of course, that's why I gave such an example. The fact that we poison our body and think that we are not doing it may make the poison less harmful, but can it neutralize it completely? Of course, such cases are described in books, but we should experience something ourselves before sharing it, knowing that it is so and not otherwise. Of course, you can only share what you pass up, but this should be made clear when making room for possible discussion. So it's best to always say something from your point of view and experience. Instead of saying: He / She does it anyway and it is such and such and such is the effect, it is much more beneficial for us and the environment to say: I do this and that and I have such effects. It makes a huge difference. If anyone is curious about the effects, he will ask himself: how do you do it? Of course, we don't have to be like the police here and hold everyone accountable for every sentence. This is a tip rather than a law.