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Maciek Chmielniak Awareness from the heart that we are all one ❤ which allows us to better understand and create the world

Arthur Klisiewicz why?

Rhea Bright Silence

Arthur Klisiewicz why?

Rhea Blaska then everything and nothing is ... I am and at the same time I am gone ..... so far I cannot explain otherwise .....

Eliza Pawlak I will conclude my statement in the word PEACE.

Arthur Klisiewicz why?

Eliza Pawlak Spokoj allows me to find a solution when there is a problem. As well, it makes me realize that if there is no solution, then there is no problem.

Elżbieta Kopczewska Jarzynka When the heart is full of love and forgiveness ❤

Arthur Klisiewicz why?

Elżbieta Kopczewska Jarzynka Because love is the highest vibration, it heals, regenerates and strengthens.

Anna Kowalska The lightness with which I approach other people. The joy of discovering that they are beautiful with their history.

Arthur Klisiewicz why?

Anna Kowalska because I'm curious about them, I don't judge them, I listen.

Jolanta Bohdanowicz Peace

Arthur Klisiewicz why?

Beata Szproch My everyday work gives me a lot of joy and makes me happy. Because on a daily basis I can be with people who appreciate what I do for them and what gives me great joy for myself.

Elżbieta Laurentowska This is the moment when I understand something that I have never understood.

Arthur Klisiewicz why?

Elżbieta Laurentowska Because I like to understand, I like to be aware. I will say right away that I am not looking for happiness outside. Understanding is what I give to myself.

Izabela Kacperczyk Being among the people I love. Looking at them, I'm giving my love, And being in happiness

Magdalena Wrzosek Sudden insight, because it makes me fuller of myself.

Tomasz Grelewicz Awareness that everything would be fine anyway, it was just going to be that way, acceptance.