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In one of the posts, the participant wrote:

"God is my Father and He loves His Son"

(this is a quote taken from the so-called Book of Miracles)

I would like to comment on this because such a statement is (very confusing in my opinion ._

Let me just say that for me this is not a true statement. It is downright unacceptable. However, it reflects the state of consciousness of the author (or whoever reads IT, if he identifies with it).

Some people have a problem with the image of God, so they give him human qualities, family traits, etc. God neither loves you nor is your father, because none of these qualities can be attributed to him. It's like saying that the wind loves you or that space is your mother. It all comes from the awareness she was at the time these scriptures were written. People thoughtlessly repeat certain things without understanding or feeling them. It is not enough for them that God IS. The mind is looking for something more to hold onto and this is a tragedy of the mind, because it is restless and in the search for the truth about God it is completely lost on this path.

Various thinkers and pseudo-masters also speak of their love for God. This is more nonsense. They don't understand that they can only love something that is an "object." God is not an object - he was not once.

You can have love for yourself, love for others, love for a child, love for the planet, etc. You cannot love someone or something that does not exist.

Being LOVE and "loving someone" are not the same. If you love someone you are human, if you are LOVE you become God.

The very phrase "God loves me" or "I love God" shows that you see HIM as an object separate from you. You are here in God is there. Not poorer!

There is no need for God to love you, there is no need for him to be your father or mother. Whether you believe He is "this or that" or He doesn't believe He will be what He is anyway. I will emphasize once again: ", .... WHAT IT IS" (and not WHO you think it is).

The need to be loved by God comes from the mind. Throw your mind away and the need will disappear. God does not love, hate, condemn or punish. HE just IS. If you need anything more than that, let me tell you that you live in an illusion. Knowledge + meditation allows you to let go of this illusion. It helps by removing what obscures the truth.

That is why I am not a fan of this type of books, because they put a ready prescription into our mind, a ready concept, and humanity mindlessly adapts to this concept, because it is simpler and more convenient. You don't have to figure things out yourself, waste time asking yourself questions, meditating, exploring and getting to know yourself.

However, it guarantees everyone that such a path is an illusion. Man has the choice to follow this path or to wake up. Samsara is something that can accompany us for many lifetimes. In every life, however, we can free ourselves from it.

Author: A. Klisiewicz.



Jolanta Bohdanowicz - Oh, this is what I think, but I can not put it into words ❤❤❤ I still have to think about it,

Marzena Ma Marzena Ma - I am meditating for some time and I have not yet felt that we are connected and that there is no separation.

Jolanta Bohdanowicz - Alisja Alicja such regular meditation in the morning and evening is essential, it's like brushing your teeth - mind hygiene. Do not expect anything, the same will come, change in life for the better - because it changes your mind. Meditation is about controlling the chaos in your head, letting thoughts be in your head but not delving into them, letting them float away like clouds in the sky. Then there are gaps between one thought and another that will increase, but you don't expect it to come by itself.

Anna Czarnecka - strange, I have never meditated (I still can't do it), but I always perceived this - my mother always said that I believe, but a little different;) But does it matter ?! I do not know yet.

Jolanta Bohdanowicz - Anna Czarnecka meditation is a connection with the higher self, calming the mind and finding many realities that coexist. Is this faith in God? It all depends on what you are looking for, you can definitely find boundless love, it depends on the interpretation. Meditating changes for the better, because the approach to many things changes, you breathe well (nobody teaches it).

Anna Czarnecka - Jolanta, I would love to calm my mind - there is still a lot ahead of me. At the moment I'm not looking for anything, I want to feel - I hope this is a good introduction

Jolanta Bohdanowicz - Anna Czarnecka do not wait for anything, it will come, you can start meditating, you can start from YouTube and find out the rest here

Jolanta Bohdanowicz - If you have never meditated, start with guided meditation ???? ❤

Anna Czarnecka - I tried Jolanta Bohdanowicz many times (interestingly), but I think I have to wait for the time to calm down in my life, because so far my thoughts are chasing others, and this is not conducive to meditation