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Your mind has got used to judging.  You compare yourself to someone or something at every turn. Comparing has become a habit like breathing. It seems to you that you cannot live without it. You compare your neighbor, friend, work, clothes, TV programs, music, movies, .. Virtually everything. In addition, you also compare yourself with yourself.

Yourself as you are today to yourself who you were or to yourself who you will be. Constant comparison. This comparison creates the greatest conflict in your head you have ever experienced. This conflict, on top of that, has been going on in you since you remember ...

Perhaps since school or kindergarten, when you compared your toys with those of other children. You thought - why don't I have such beautiful toys? Or maybe - I'm better, I have cooler toys than my friend. Then at school you were assessed and compared with other students. Do you have bad grades? Do you have worse grades? There is nothing wrong with comparing, there is nothing wrong with it, until you realize what mistake you may be making (are you making). To choose a dress in the store, you often compare it to another. You ask your friends - which one do you like better? Which one do I look better in? However, you often compare based on two colors. This is where the endless conflict of your life begins. BLACK or WHITE!

It just destroys you. Black-White makes your mind a cage. Your mind can only be inside or outside the cage. If you realize that the universe is "non-dual" you will wake up and see your eyes. Suddenly you will see that there are millions of shades of gray between White and Black.

What happens when you mix black and white paint?
With these two, you'll never get a solid color. NEVER ! When you mix all the colors you know (except White) you get Black, but if you just add white you get Gray or something else, but not black. This is life. It's a mixture of colors. They are dark and light. This does not mean that the dark are gloomy. It's just your mind judging them that way.

Everything is neutral - EVERYTHING! When you chose a movie in the cinema you want to watch, how much attention do you pay to analyzing movies you don't want to watch? Not much - right? Just enough to make a note of the fact of videos that are of no value to you. Then you forget about them, you don't rummage around forever in judging them. Take a similar approach to life. Notice and note what is not in line with your beliefs, what you think is not good for you, but you don't have to stick around for weeks or years in judging it.

Record a fact, put it in your mind's drawer, and let it lie there. When you really need it, you can come back to it. I suspect, however, that the more your mindfulness focuses on your own development, the less you will be interested in returning to any past.


Make your scene sparkle with colors (even if it's just shades of gray).