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We ask that you share what you find here with others. Perhaps there are people you don't think will be interested in this information, maybe they are people you don't like, maybe even your enemies. Send them an INVITATION LINK to this site anyway. While doing this, send them your positive energy, your joy and your love as well. Surround them with light and wish them to be happy. Regardless of who they are, who they represent, how much damage they have done to others. Disseminate these materials, because only in this way (sharing with others) can we make our planet more beautiful.

The earth is beautiful and wonderful, but when it is filled with pure-hearted beings, filled with love, respect and understanding, it will be even more beautiful. Perhaps then our planet will finally be admitted to the interplanetary federation of beings who have been watching our progress for thousands of years. Every little thing you do has unimaginable consequences. Are you sure you've ever seen a spider web? Truth ? Now, for a moment, imagine several billion such spider webs enlarged to enormous sizes. Each of them permeates each other, creating a multi-dimensional object. If you were to go to any node of this spider web and move it (pull it), the effect of this movement would be felt in all directions and in the farthest ends. This is how your life works, your consciousness. This is how the universe works. Everything you do, what you think about, what you feel has an impact on others.

By "others" I mean not only humans, not only fauna and flora, beings from the non-material world, but also those who inhabit the universe in galaxies millions of light years away. John Paul II once said: "I cannot document whether this is true ... but it would be completely natural and understandable if God, in his wisdom and love, created other forms of life besides man and placed them not only on earth". So have a good influence on everything. Today, resolve that you will do something for another human (or being) each day that will make them want to share what they have received from you. It can be a physical thing, it can be a gesture, a deed, a smile, a good thought and ... a thousand other things.

The most important thing is energy and intention! And an even more important consequence. Make giving joy to others your habit. Get addicted to it, let it become a drug to you. Remember - every day "something nice for another creature". When you lie down to sleep - think - what effect did you have on the galactic web of life today? Please, add a brick to a better world. Share what makes you better, be an example to others (not telling them what to do or how to live).